Eagles “Still the One” No Matter Who You're With

Do you need a laugh after sitting through that ugly Eagles loss in the McNabb Bowl Sunday?

Eagles fans know that no matter what changes the only thing that doesn’t is our love for the Birds.

Well that deep-rooted fandom is on full display in a recent ESPN “It's Not Crazy It's Sports!” ad.

The commercial starts with an unnamed young boy in an Eagles shirt holding hands with a girl on a swing set. As the ad goes on that same fan is seen always rocking some Eagles green -- wearing everything from an Eagles winter hat at prom to an Eagles jersey at his wedding. In between he goes from baby faced to braces to facial hair and back again.

As Orleans’ “Still the One” sarcastically plays in the background the guy's NFL allegiance never changes -- the Eagles are “still the one” -- the same can’t be said for the special lady (or dog) in his life. Watch for yourself and you will see what I mean.

Check out the ad and enjoy.

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