Philadelphians Weigh in on LeBron's Stunt

Northern Ohio or South Florida?

LeBron James chose the heat and the Miami Heat.

In doing so, the Akron native and former Cleveland Cavaliers superstar, alienated his former home state and became the King of South Beach.

It's the way he did it, though, that has so many people talking.

Never before has an athlete needed one-hour of prime time national television dubbed "The Decision," to make what amounts to a few-second announcement.

LeBron is a brand, and Thursday night he ended years of speculation by saying he's taking "his talents to South Beach."

Locally, John Smallwood of the Philadelphia Daily news was critical of the spectacle in an editorial Friday.

Meanwhile, Bob Cooney reported on that Sixers Associate Head Coach Michael Curry likes the attention James brings to the NBA.

Regardless of what you think about LeBron's decision, you can't argue his relevance in the sporting landscape.

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