Phlipped Phan Gets Assist From Phils Phaithful

Man starts Web site to recover damage cost done to car

Remember Broad Street right after the Phillies won the World Series?

Ted sure does:

"We bumped into some friends on Broad and they were like, dude, this car got flipped on Broad you should have seen friend was like watch it be your car," said Ted.

Ted's Mitsubishi gallant was the car in question.

His rig got phlipped- with a "p-h." The worst part is that insurance won't cover the damage.

"My insurance company said this is an act of vandalism not an accident," said Ted.

Ted came up with a nifty idea to cover the costs -- he started a Web site where people who enjoyed the flipping could chip in a few bucks to help him get him some new wheels.

Ted figures he needs about $4,000 to replace his Mitsubishi and thanks to friends and some good press coverage he's almost closing in on the goal.

If he break the $4G mark he's gonna give the extra cash to another victim of the Phillies phever flip.

There is that young lady from South Jersey owns a now-worthless Honda civic that feel victim to the crowd. Ted is gonna try to send a few bucks her way.

He figures for all the people who did the wrong thing that night, be it to cars or Robinson Luggage, there are plenty of people here doing the right thing.

"I'm a real optimist when it comes to people, I have a lot of faith in peoples' ability to help each other out and support each other -- especially in the city of Philadelphia," he said.

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