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LIVE UPDATES: Phillies Fever Hits Region as Phils, Astros Prep for World Series Game 1

Philadelphia is set for our first World Series in 13 years, with the National League champion Phillies in Houston to take on the Astros in Game 1 on Friday evening.

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Kyle Schwarber will be in the batters box at 8:03 p.m. on Friday night as the Philadelphia Phillies take the diamond in Houston to face off against the Astros in Game 1 of the 2022 World Series.

Back in Philadelphia, meanwhile, the city and entire region is electric with Phils Phever.

From Schwarber-themed hoagie deals at Wawa to red beer at McGillin's, follow along with our World Series live blog for all of your Phillies coverage this World Series.

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