Mike Vick Speaks at North Philly School

Eagles QB Michael Vick spoke Tuesday morning at the Juniata Park Academy in North Philly.

Speaking on behalf of the Humane Society, Vick talked about the consequences of dog fighting for both the dogs and the human participants.

According to the Humane Society, the Pennsylvania Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA) receives an average of 60 dog fighting complaints per month.

In 2009, the PSPCA investigated a total of 903 complaints of animal fighting across Pennsylvania.

The Humane Society also stated that street dog fighting runs rampant in Philadelphia, with many young kids involved.

Vick served two years in prison after being implicated in an illegal dog fighting ring back in 2007.

He shared his story with the students and urged them to avoid not only dog fighting but other violent elements in their neighborhood.

"You're going to be challenged each and everyday in your life," said Vick. "Everyday you're going to have to make decisions in your life moving forward. Just make sure you make the right one."

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