Decision 2020

What Makes Iowa Voters Tick? NBC10 Explores

Are they caucusing based on issues like health care and the economy?

NBCUniversal, Inc.

With the Iowa caucuses just a few days away, NBC10’s Lauren Mayk made the trek to the nation’s first 2020 contest to find out what issues are motivating voters there.

NBC 10 has made the trek to Iowa to bring you the story on the (snowy) ground at the site of the nation’s first 2020 contest.

There were signs the caucuses are near from the moment we stepped off the plane – Tom Steyer and Andrew Yang commercials airing on TV in the airport terminal, balloons welcoming caucus candidates/campaigns/media in the baggage claim, and a Joe Biden commercial on the radio when we got in our rental car.

Late Friday afternoon as we planned our schedule for the weekend, it still wasn’t clear whether some candidates for president would even make it to Iowa for the final push because of impeachment proceedings in the U.S. Senate. By the evening, it seemed clear there will be a final sprint by senator candidates after all – though the Senate will reconvene on Monday, the day of Iowans go to their caucus sites.

In Des Moines, we’ve met a bartender who is a fan of the Yang Gang, and a woman going to her first Iowa caucus who told us about the hourslong training she went through to be part of the event. She was excited to meet Joe Biden walking down the street in Des Moines, though she plans to support Elizabeth Warren.

Saturday, we hit the road to see what the candidates see and Iowans think. Are they caucusing based on issues like health care and the economy? Do they think about who can win in swing states like Pennsylvania, which have later primaries but play key roles in the general election? Tune in to NBC 10 to see our journey. 

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