Split Feelings on Kennett Square's Dog Ban Proposal

Town considering banning pooches from all town festivals

Both sides of the aisle are pulling no rhetorical punches in the battle over which way to lead the country’s ailing economy.

Dogs enjoy a good festival as much as the next guy. But Walker Brown and his pooch Bailey were trying to figure out how to react to what one Chester County town wants to do.

With close to 100,000 people jamming downtown Kennett Square, Pa. for the annual Mushroom Festival, the town and it’s police department say there’s a growing problem with too many dogs.

“We’ve had several incidents of dogs being aggressive," said Kennett Square Police Chief Ed Zunino. "No one’s been bitten, but a lot of dogs displaying aggressive behavior."

Mushroom Festival coordinator Kathi Lafferty says they have no choice but to back an ordinance that bans all pets from Kennett Square festivals.

"When you have that mix with dogs it’s a safety concern,” says Lafferty.

Resident Regina Reidenberg agrees: “They get really crowded and it’s the leashes that are dangerous for the kids.”

So Walker Brown is faced with leaving Bailey behind. “I love this dog to the point that he sleeps with me," he said. "and I wouldn’t support not allowing dogs."

And the debate is on.

"It’s fine with me because I hate seeing dogs panting with their tongues hanging out,” says business owner Ron Blittersdorf.

But Bill Kinsley feels otherwise. “It’s like banning kids," he says. "They’re a part of the family. I think they should make muzzles mandatory.  People say they’re inhumane but they’re not."

All of this will likely show up at Kennett Square’s August 16 public hearing on the pet ban.

But as with all human-inspired laws, no one ever seems to ask the dogs.

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