Philly Area Carries Pa. to Obama Win

The City of Brotherly Love poured out it's heart for Democrats on election Day.

Barack Obama's victory in the key state of Pennsylvania was based on racking up a huge majority in Philadelphia, scoring big-time in the suburbs and doing enough to hold off Republican John McCain in the rest of the state.

With its mix of major metropolitan areas, small towns and farming areas, Pennsylvania is as diverse as any state in the union. That, together with its hefty 21 electoral votes, made it one of the most sought-after prizes on Election Day.

Obama cruised to a comfortable win in the Keystone State with a strong turnout in Philadelphia and a big win in its suburbs.

He also made inroads into traditional Republican areas elsewhere in the state, where turnout was down compared to four years ago.

There was a lot of buzz about how race would affect Pennsylvania votes.

Dave Davies from the Philadelphia Daily News says "if many western Pennsylvanians are racists, as U.S. Rep. John Murtha blurted recently, it appears that some found a way to vote for a black man anyway and that others stayed home in yesterday's election.

In the Burlington County Board of Freeholders, the Republican Party's 25-year run is over .

Democrats Chris Brown, deputy mayor of Evesham, and Mary Anne Reinhart, a Shamong committeewoman, won election to the five-member board.

Brown and Reinhart defeated Aubrey Fenton, a pastor from Willingboro who was running for a second term, and Stacey Jordan, a businesswoman from Moorestown who was appointed by her party in January to fill the seat of a departing freeholder.

On another note, Philadelphia's Harrisburg delegation changed little in yesterday's election, as incumbents and Democrats rode to easy victories.

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