NJ Senate Dems Dig Into Budget Trying To Undo Program Cuts

Senate override attempt fails to reverse cut to women's clinics

The New Jersey Senate opened meetings Monday to attempt to override some of Gov. Chris Christie's budget vetoes.

Democrats failed to restore funding to more than 50 women's health clinics.

Republican Gov. Christie eliminated $7.5 million in clinic funding last year and kept the money out again this year.

Democrats have identified funding sources to pay for the clinics and attempted a prior override. They accuse Christie of pandering to the right-wing of his party. Republicans deny the charge.

Monday's vote was 25-14.

Democrats also fell short Monday in an attempt to restore a half-million dollars to a center for sexually and physically abused children in New Jersey.

Senate President Stephen Sweeney and the Democrat-controlled Legislature want to reverse the governor's cuts to programs benefiting the blind, AIDS patients and cities unable to meet their bills.

They would need 3 Republican votes, even if all 24 Democrats go along.

Senate GOP leader Tom Kean, Jr. says override votes should be taken sparingly, not as political fodder for fall elections.

Christie shaved $1.3 billion in spending, including $900 million the Democrats added in, before signing the $29.7 billion budget last week.

Sweeney says he'll place the Senate under call, requiring members to cast ‘yes’ or ‘no’ votes.

The Assembly also plans to hold hearings on the cuts.

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