New NJ Senators Get to Work

Newly-elected State Senators are sworn in after Nov. Special Election

New Jersey's three newest State Senators took the oath of office in Trenton, on Monday.

Linda Greenstein, Dawn Addiego and Donald Norcross were sworn in by Senate President Stephen Sweeney.

The two Democrats and one Republican were all in the state Assembly before moving to the Senate.
Greenstein, a Democrat from Monroe, replaces Bill Baroni. Baroni took a post with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Addiego, a Republican from Medford, succeeds Phil Haines. Haines became a Superior Court judge.
Norcross, a Democrat from Camden, steps in for Dana Redd.  Redd is now mayor of Camden.

Sen. Barbara Buono, the Senate Democratic leader, noted the net gain of one seat for women.  There are now 10 women out of 40 in the Senate.

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