Biden Blows Through the Area–But Why?

There was a little bit of a surprise for rush hour motorists Monday morning as Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidential motorcade looped along some Philadelphia highways causing a few temporary road closures and traffic headaches in Center City.

But why was Biden zipping along local roads -- maybe he was in town to grab a cheesesteak before heading back to D.C?

It seemed the reason that the Veep was in town was to stop by a private fundraiser for U.S. Rep. John Adler, according to Biden’s office.

Adler, who serves New Jersey’s 3rd District covering Camden, Burlington and Ocean Counties, is currently serving his first term in the House. The visit from Biden could help Adler gain some more support as he looks towards re-election in 2010.

The Veep wanted to already get Dems on board to try and maintain their majority margin in both parts of the U.S Congress. “This election is in a sense bigger than the last election,” Biden told supporters. 

The continental breakfast was held in Center City despite Adler representing South Jersey.

The Vice President's quick stop came a day after the VP was inducted into the Little League Baseball Hall of Fame before the LLWS Final in Williamsport, Pa.

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