Coralie Carlson

It's Baa-ck! Party Sheep on the Lam Captured in NJ

A wayward sheep escaped from a 2-year-old’s birthday party in Park Ridge on Saturday and is still on the lam. Drew Wilder reports.

A sheep that escaped from a toddler's barnyard-themed birthday party, then taunted a community with sightings around town, was captured Sunday after about 24 hours on the lam.

The woolly runaway belongs to a petting zoo and was in Park Ridge on Saturday for the party of Caley Svensson's 2-year-old daughter.

But just as the party was wrapping up, the sheep made a break for it.

“So as they went to put the animals back onto the trailer, the lamb jumped over the partition,” said Sue Coyle, who was hosting the party.

Several would-be shepherds tried to catch it, but no one was able to herd the bleating animal.

"Nobody could catch it," said neighbor Gail Foley. "It was like dodging and weaving and people have their arms out, it was like really funny.”

The sheep was spotted on sidewalks and the baseball diamond. It was even captured by a home's security camera.

Finally, it was cornered by a ravine late Sunday afternoon. A photo showed it was hog-tied and cradled like a baby in the arms of one of its rescuers.

The petting zoo, Mountainside Stables, didn't return phone messages on Sunday.

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