Man Says He Released Pink Chickens in Portland to “Make People Smile”

Two chickens dyed pink were spotted roaming the Portland, Oregon, waterfront park on Thursday, leaving many wondering why were they pink and who let them loose.

The mystery didn't last long. The day after a Multnomah County Animal Services picked up the chickens, their owner, Bruce Whitman, claimed the birds on Friday.

"I wanted to make people smile," Whitman told NBC Friday. "I thought it would be fun for people when they get up and have a cup of coffee to be able to smile when they wake up."

Whitman said he soaked the chickens in beet juice and food coloring to get the vibrant color. He then left the nameless chickens in a tree, where they would have plenty of bugs to eat and water to drink as they roost, he said.

When Whitman arrived to the animal shelter, he said he was met with laughs and some head scratching. While employees were curious as to what the charade was about, they were happy to find out the chickens had a safe home to go to. 

Whitman was charged with a standard impound fee for the time the chickens were at the shelter. He was also informed about the dangers of releasing birds in public places, an MCAS spokeswoman said, according to NBC affiliate KGW.

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