Saturday School Could Make Up for Avalanche of Snow Days in New Jersey

With so many snow storms closing schools this winter some districts are getting creative to make up the time, but are classes on Saturday a good plan?Jen Maxfield reports from Fort Lee, N.J., where the school superintendent is kicked around the idea.

One New Jersey town is considering Saturday school during the spring semester to make up for days lost to snowstorm after snowstorm this winter.

Fort Lee's school board is set to consider the idea of using weekend half-days at a meeting Monday. A vote on the matter, if it proceeds, would come Feb. 24.

By law, New Jersey districts must be in session for 180 days of schooling. Fort Lee has two days built into its calendar, but those have been used up, along with two more.

Interim Superintendent Paul Saxton says a half-day would be four hours on a Saturday morning, starting March 15 at the earliest. The district would need four half-days to make up what it has lost so far, and could add more if additional snow days are called.

RELATED: Another storm on the way this week

Other options include using spring break days or adding days at the end of the year, but Saxton says families often have planned trips and other commitments.

"You can never make everyone happy -- I'm looking to make most people happy," he said Monday.

Saturday school would need to be scheduled around recreational programs. Students with religious observances would get excused absences.

Some students told NBC 4 New York they would rather go on Saturday than at the end of the year.

"When we are done with finals, we don't want to have school anymore," said Sultan Khan, a high school student.

--Jen Maxfield contributed to this story

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