Fore! Obama, Boehner Eye Golf Summit

The next time President Obama and House Speaker Boehner tee off against each other will be on the links. The Washington heavy hitters’ oft-discussed “golf summit” has been penciled in for June 18 in the D.C. area, with the rest of an Obama foursome still to be determined, Politico reported. According to The Wall Street Journal, the mid-month date coincides with when Congressional leaders have said they want a budget and debt ceiling agreement – giving Obama a shot at closing the deal. On the links, at least, expect the speaker to get the better of the commander in chief. Earlier this month, Golf Digest ranked Boehner the 43rd best duffer in Washington and pegged Obama at No. 108. For the sake of both pols’ egos, perhaps it’s best they don’t invite Vice President Biden. He’s ranked No. 29, the Journal notes.

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