My Inbox

Each of these, of course, asked for money.


Date: October 30
Time: 1:45 P.M.
From: Joe Biden
Message: “Last night, Barack took to the airwaves to make the case for real change. He used the time to tell the stories of ordinary people who need real solutions to their problems. The presentation reached its finale with Barack addressing the nation live from Florida - I’ve included the video of that moment below. But right now, I need to ask you for help.”


Date: October 30
Time: 6:56 P.M.
From: Michelle Obama
Message: “I know this campaign has asked a lot of you. But in the next 5 days, Barack will need you more than ever before.”


Date: October 31
Time: 4:08 P.M.
From: Barack Obama
Message: “I want you to be there with me on Election Night when the results come in. We’re planning a big event that will include tens of thousands of supporters in Grant Park in downtown Chicago. We’re saving some of the best seats in the house for 5 people who make their first donation to the campaign before Sunday at midnight.”


Date: Oct. 31
Time: 11:41 P.M.
From: David Plouffe
Message: “I’m writing to report that we’re seeing a surge of support in states we didn’t expect to be close contests, including Georgia and North Dakota. But the latest battleground is a major opportunity: John McCain’s home state of Arizona - where we go on the air today. “Democrats haven’t been able to compete in these states in years - and each could open a new path to victory on Election Day. Make a donation of $5 or more today to expand our efforts in these new battleground states.


Date: Nov. 1
Time: 10:41 A.M.
From: MoveOn
Message: “Here’s some ominous news: In the last week, Obama’s lead in the national tracking polls has dropped by almost three points. If it keeps dropping, we could be looking at four years of President McCain and Vice President Palin.”


Date: Nov. 1
Time: 12:11 P.M.
From: Jon Carson, Obama’s National Field Director
Message: “Time is quickly running out, but you can still make a huge difference in how this election is decided.It’s going to take an unprecedented push by supporters like you to get us over the top - and there are still plenty of ways you can take this campaign into your own hands.”


Date: Nov. 1
Time: 6:22 P.M.
From: Ken Bennett, Obama’s Illinois State Director
Message: “Can you take a trip to Indiana to help get out the vote for one or several of the days leading up to November 4th?”


Date: Nov. 1
Time: 6:51 P.M.
From: Robert Stuber, Bob Barr’s Finance Director
Message: “Unless my records are incomplete or in error, I show that you have been a reader of messages from the Bob Barr campaign since 2008-08-30 and we have yet to receive even a small gift of $5 to aide in our cause.”


Date: Nov. 1
Time: 9:43 P.M.
From: Obama for America
Message: “When you look back on Election Day years from now, you’ll tell your friends and family that this was the moment you helped make history.”


Date: Nov. 2
Time: 8:19 A.M.
From: Marianne Markowitz, Obama’s Chief Financial Officer
Message: “I track the donations coming in and the expenses going out. I asked for the opportunity to write to you directly so that I could try to explain what’s happening right now. This weekend the McCain campaign said they would outspend us by $10 million in the final days. This is on top of recent news that, as of October 15th, our opponents had $20 million more in the bank than our campaign and the DNC combined.”


Date: Nov 2
Time: 10:59 A.M.
From: MoveOn
Message: “The Obama campaign has put out an urgent request for volunteers in the swing states. It’s up to us to recruit them by calling MoveOn members in swing states and helping them volunteer.”


Date: Nov. 2
Time: 3:12 P.M.
From: Al Gore
Message: “know this might not be possible for everyone, but I’m asking you to consider volunteering anytime between now and Election Day - Tuesday, November 4th.”


Date: Nov. 3
Time: 2:32 A.M.
From: MoveOn
Message: “Nervous? We all are. Seems like everyone I know is feeling some mixture of excitement, anxiety and anticipation. We’re hoping, praying, we’re checking the polls every five minutes - or trying to ignore them.”


Date: Nov 3
Time: 8:41 A.M.
From: Shane Cory, Bob Barr’s Deputy Campaign Manager
Message: “We’re only one day away from Election Day! Bob is making a final push both in the media and on the trail today to spread a message of smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.”


Date: Nov. 3
Time: 2:39 P.M.
From: Barack Obama
Message: “We’ve asked you to do a lot over the course of this campaign, and you’ve always come through. Right now, I’m asking you to do one last thing - vote tomorrow, and make sure everyone you know votes, too.”

Posted in Presidential Poop, Punditocracy   Tagged: Barack Obama, Bob Barr, David Plouffe, Joe Biden, Jon Carson, Ken Bennett, Marianne Markowitz, Michelle Obama, MoveOn, Robert Stuber, Shane Cory   
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