Keith Kellogg on Shortlist for National Security Advisor

The search for a new national security advisor comes on the heels of Michael Flynn’s resignation for misleading senior officials

President Donald Trump is considering retired Army Gen. Keith Kellogg to replace Michael Flynn as national security advisor.

“General Keith Kellogg, who I have known for a long time, is very much in play for NSA - as are three others,” Trump tweeted Friday.

The search for a new national security advisor comes on the heels of Flynn’s resignation late Monday evening after he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his correspondence with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. 

Though the White House has not released the other candidates’ names, many are speculating that former CIA Director David Petraeus is on the shortlist. After pleading guilty to mishandling classified information in 2015, Petraeus could prove controversial for the Trump administration. 

Kellogg, who is now serving as the acting national security advisor while Trump finds Flynn’s replacement, is a decorated veteran who did two tours in Vietnam.

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