Jackie Earle Haley on Tap as Sinestro in “Green Lantern”

Jackie Earle Haley is still in the mix to play Sinestro in the upcoming "Green Lantern," which should be reassuring news to fanboys everywhere.

"I've been making some calls yesterday and today, and what I'm hearing actually confirms some earlier rumors online from October of 2009, when Harry Knowles (his former Ain't It Cool colleague) first ran the word that Jackie Earle Haley was the man who had been tapped to play Sinestro," wrote Drew McWeeny in his Motion/Captured column.

When it was announced earlier this week that Peter Sarsgaard would play Dr. Hector Hammond in the upcoming hero flick, many fans feared that two arch-villains in a film was one too many (see Spider-Man 3) and rumors about Haley/Sinestro were wrong. Now it seems that both men are in on Ryan Reynolds' "Green Lantern" flick.

Throw in a little Blake Lively and you just may have a reasonably entertaining movie on your hands.

This is great news. Haley's career renaissance has been a great story, one that just keeps getting better. From being the baddest of the "Bad News Bears" to his near-total disappearance to his triumphant return with his Oscar-nominated turn in "Little Children," rarely has an actor returned from such irrelevance.

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