California Chef Brings Cannabis to Fine Dining, for $500 Per Person

One chef in California is adding cannabis to his herb and spice rack as the most populous U.S. state prepares for the possible legalization of recreational marijuana in November, Reuters reports.

Chef Chris Sayegh is taking haute cuisine to a higher place with his cannabis-infused menus in private homes for as much as $500 a head, or in "pop-up" banquets around Los Angeles for $20 to $200 a person. For now, diners must show their medical marijuana cards.

Sayegh, 23, who cut his teeth in the kitchens of top restaurants in New York and California, said incorporating cannabis into his recipes creates an entirely new consciousness for diners that goes beyond the effects of a fine wine.

"To me, this is a cerebral experience," he said during a demonstration at his Hollywood apartment last week. "You're eating with a different perception with each bite, with each course."

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