
Severed Foot is 12th Found on Vancouver-Area Beaches Since 2007

About a dozen have turned up in last four years

Yet another severed foot, this one in a jogging shoe, has been found on the shore near Vancouver.

It is possibly the twelfth such discovery in the last four years to wash up on beaches near Vancouver, along the southern Georgia Strait and off Washington state. Most of the remains have not been identified, but two of the feet are believed to have belonged to men who had been reported missing.

In prior cases, police said the feet appeared to have come off bodies naturally and that foul play was not suspected. Police so far have no theories about how or why the foot ended up in the water, and The Canadian Press said the British Columbia Coroners Service is involved in the investigation.

Feet of both men and women have been among the grisly discoveries. When they first started turning up, there was speculation that a serial killer was at large, that the remains were part of a human trafficking ring from Asia or that remnants of bodies were washing up from the 2004 tsunami, according to The Star.

But oceanographers determined the bodies originated somewhere along the West Coast. The first foot was discovered in August 2007 on Jedidiah Island in the Strait of Georgia. A week later, another foot was found on Gabriola Island. Since then, they have turned up with bizarre regularity.

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