Why I Love Philly

Cheesesteaks, people, rowhomes and the sports teams are some of the things people love about Philly

Philadelphians are expressing why they love the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection this Valentine's Day.

Emma Fried-Cassorla challenged Philadelphians to tweet a Valentine to Philly using the hashtag #whyilovephilly. Fried-Cassorla said, "With everyone talking about who they love, I thought it was great if the city talked about why they loved the city."  

Her aim is to bring communities together and to change the dialogue about the city to "get people talking about all the great things happening in Philly."

Fried-Cassorla recalls the hashtag originated a handful of years ago, and was first used by Indy Hall's Alex Hillman and members of Young Involved Philly. 

Tonight, the groups are hosting the 3rd Annual #whyilovephilly Valentine's Day Party at National Mechanics.  

Philly love is spreading on Twitter:

@BigRubeHarley: #whyilovephilly Because it prepares you for life like no other city in the world!

@Collab_Philly: It's all about the people. #whyilovephilly

@emaleigh: Rowhomes. Especially rowhomes with rainbows over them. #whyilovephilly

@AmyZQuinn: Because parallel parking is a varsity sport. #whyilovephilly

@CSNPhilly: #Sixers fans, #Flyers fans, #Eagles fans, #Phillies fans and #Union fans! #whyilovephilly

@BTMapp: The trash can fires in the Italian Market during the winter #whyilovephilly

@sarahbeeeson: #whyilovephilly cheesesteaks, wawa, chickies&petes, sports, culture/history, @28CGiroux and Charlie Manual

@OldCityDistrict: Rose Blossom Sundaes, Truffle Trios, and Aztec Hot Chocolate @franklinftn #oldcity #whyilovephilly

@a_butters22: #whyilovephilly for its philly guys......yyyyyyeeeesssss philly guy ;)

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