New Jersey

Voter Registration Deadlines for Presidential Election Near in N.J., Pa., Del.

Here’s the dates you have until if you still haven’t registered to vote in the November presidential election.

If you need to register to vote or change your place of residence for the purpose of voting in the presidential election next month, don't wait any longer -- deadlines are near in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

This year's divisive contest for the country's highest elected office has led to thousands of new applications for voter registration. In Pennsylvania, 369,000 new applications have been received by the Department of State through Monday, Oct. 3, according to state figures.

Another 235,000 applications from voters seeking changes to their current registration have come in from Pennsylvania residents, the figures show.

Here are the deadline for all three states:

- Pennsylvania: Oct. 11

- Delaware: Oct. 15

- New Jersey: Oct. 18

All three states now offer ways to register or change registration online.

Here are the links for each state: Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. For all three states, new registrations and changes to existing registrations must be submitted through the county of your residence.

Make sure to check the deadlines. Some counties now offer day-of registration through midnight if done online. The deadline for submitting documents by mail or by hand may be cut off at 5 p.m.

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