United States

Philadelphia International Airport is Among Worst Offenders in Delays, Missed Flights: American Airlines

More TSA workers are being hired to decrease security check in time. Philadelphia International Airport is one of the worst places for security check-related delays, says the TSA.

American Airlines said that a record number of flight passengers and staffing problems have contributed to checkpoint lines long enough to cause people to miss flights, and Philadelphia International Airport topped the list as one of the worst offenders.

During this year's spring break, nearly 6,800 passengers missed flights across the United States because of TSA checkpoint delays. Philadelphia International, Seattle-Tacoma International, Los Angeles International and Miami International airports were all among the places with the worst delays and the most missed flights, an American Airlines spokesperson told NBC News.

The TSA has admitted that it underestimated a surge in passengers and the impact of budget cuts, leading to the long lines. The administration is now hiring up to 200 new workers each week to try to make up the gap and correct the problem. NBC News, however, reported that American Airlines officials warned passengers that they expect delays to worsen as more people travel over the summer months.

"The lines at TSA checkpoints nationwide have become unacceptable," American spokesman Ross Feinstein said in a statement.

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