The Super Bowl Ads Women Loved — And Hated

So it is logical to assume that during the most highly viewed TV broadcast of the year — the Super Bowl — that advertisers would make extraordinary efforts to target to women with advertising that is appealing, relevant, respectful and effective.

It is with regret that I have to tell you that this was not the case this year.

With the help of MJ Tocci, the co-founder and director of the Pittsburgh-based Heinz Negotiation Academy for Women, we developed a rubric to assess Sunday's ads. I asked about 25 female colleagues to view the commercials and to take into consideration the race, sexuality and culture being portrayed in the ad. I also asked them to assess the ad and decide if it was:

  • Effective and respectful to women
  • Effective but not respectful to women
  • Respectful to women but not effective

A waste of $4 million! Ad was not effective and certainly not respectful! Read more about the Super Bowl ads women loved and loved to hate on

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