
Teen Wanted in Rittenhouse Square Shooting Surrenders to Police

A Good Samaritan was shot trying to break up a robbery in Rittenhouse Square. NBC10’s Cydney Long has new information about the incident and the teen suspect wanted in connection to the shooting.

A 17-year-old surrendered to Philadelphia police Saturday morning after being accused of shooting a Good Samaritan trying to break up a robbery in the heart of one of the city's toniest downtown neighborhoods, Rittenhouse Square.

A Good Samaritan was shot trying to break up a robbery in Rittenhouse Square. NBC10’s Cydney Long has new information about the incident.

The victim, identified only as a 39-year-old man, was taken to a nearby hospital Tuesday night in critical condition for four bullet wounds to the mid-section, Chief Inspector Scott Small said. He was expected to live, said Small.

A 39-year old man tried to stop a robbery on Tuesday night in Rittenhouse Square, said Philadelphia Police. The search for suspects continued Wednesday morning.

Small said the victim rode his bike up to a robbery in progress. Two gunmen were in the middle of robbing a group of people, he said. [[397540561, C]]

Witnesses to the shooting, which occurred at the park along Walnut Street between 18th and 19th streets, took to social media to say gunshots could be heard from sidewalk cafes lining the park. Video from some passersby showed crowded dinner tables on the warm October night.

On Wednesday, Philadelphia Police Lt. John Stanford said police issued a warrant for the arrest of a 17-year-old. Officials said the teen's parents cooperated in the investigation.

The suspect has not been identified since he is a minor. Police also continued Wednesday to search for a second male who had a gun during the robbery but didn't open fire, said investigators.

The robbery victims all know each other and cooperated with the investigation, said Stanford.

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