School Puts Homecoming in the Corner to Prevent Dirty Dancing

Princeton High School forbids students from “having the time of their lives.”

Princeton High School has ditched its annual homecoming dance because of close-contact dirty dancing and alcohol at last year's event.

The student council has scheduled a movie and a bonfire instead for Saturday night to prevent any of the alleged bumping and grinding that made chaperones uncomfortable last year, reports the Times of Trenton.

“The homecoming dance last year involved quite a bit of close-contact dancing, which may be the norm in all schools. Unfortunately last year, the behavior of a few individuals, coupled with the influence of alcohol, resulted in their subsequent actions requiring a first-aid response,” Arpi Youssoufian, a 17-year-old senior and student representative to the Princeton Regional Schools Board of Education, told the Times of Trenton.

The school plans to have its cotillion in January and a prom in the spring.

So far, it seems the alternative to the dance is well-received. Youssoufian says that there were a few unsuccessful protests online and at school, but claims that most students are happy with the change.

The president of the school's Parent Teacher Organization says 300 students have already signed up.

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