Romney Business Bus Tour in Pa.

Sen. Toomey at Allentown event, tour ends with Olympics watch party

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign bus tour is making its way through Pa.,  focusing on businesses and jobs.

The “We Did Build This” events are the Romney campaign’s answer to Pres. Obama’s “you didn’t build that” remark, according to the campaign. It's a reference to a July 13 Obama campaign appearance in Virginia.

“If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that,” said the president. “The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”

Pa. Sen. Pat Toomey is among the participants at an event at ASGCO Manufacturing in Allentown. Stops are also planned in Tannersville and Stroudsburg, where an Olympics opening ceremony watching party will be held at the International Gymnastics Camp.

The bus tour made additional stops earlier in the week. Romney is out of the country, on a trip to the London Olympics, Israel and Poland.

The Obama campaign responded by reaching out to small business owners in the state who support the president's economic policies.

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