
Pennsylvania Draws Closer to Authorizing Ride-Hailing Services UberX, Lyft for All, Including Philly

The State House passed a bill legalizing ride-sharing services throughout Pennsylvania including Uber-X and Lyft.

Approval for ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft to operate statewide is nearing final approval in the Pennsylvania Legislature before temporary regulatory authority to operate in most counties runs out early next year.

The House voted unanimously Wednesday to send legislation back to the Senate, which approved an earlier version last year.

The bumpy ride for Uber and Lyft in Pennsylvania has included clashing with Philadelphia regulators and a record-setting $11.4 million state fine imposed on Uber.

Under the bill, Uber's fine would be limited to $250,000 while the companies would pay 1.4 percent of gross receipts in Philadelphia to the city and school district.

Companies and drivers would be subject to licensing and safety standards and requirements to carry insurance and report accidents in a timely manner. Criminal background checks would also required for drivers.

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