Philly is Honest, Honestly

96% of the customers in Philly gave their $1

Honest Tea, an organic tea company founded in 1998, has recently recognized Philadelphia as one of the most honest cities in the country.

Honest Tea wanted to see how honest cities were by setting up outside stores across America.

The July 19 experiment, which lasted all day, consisted of the company leaving an abundant amount of cold Honest Tea bottles outside for the public to enjoy.

Leaving a huge sign that read “$1 bottles," Honest Tea videotaped and U-streamed the public as they approached the tea, which was located outside of Independence Hall.

There was a moneybox left unshielded where customers could place their dollar bills for their bottle of tea. 96% of the Philadelphians gave $1 for their tea. 

Chicago was named the most honest city based on the experiment. Boston, Seattle and Dallas tied for second place. The City of Brotherly Love tied with Atlanta for third place.

By going on the website, visitors can receive special coupons from Honest Tea by answering a simple yes or no question.

“So how honest are you?”

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