
Philadelphia Zoo Welcomes Four Baby Lemurs Into the World

Lemurs Huey and Kaika of the Philadelphia Zoo got a special treat for the start of spring: the birth of four adorable baby lemurs on March 21st, 2016.

Huey and Kaika, along with their four little fluff balls, are black-and-white ruffed lemurs. This species is critically endangered due to poaching and habitat loss in Madagascar.

Kaika first arrived at the zoo in 2011. She is famous for being the most valuable breeding female of her species, as she has unrepresented genetics.

This litter of four weighs a combined one-third of a pound. The baby lemurs can be distinguished by their own unique marks and fur coloration.

Kaika is ecstatic to be a mom. She carries her babies by mouth from one nest box to another, as they are not yet big enough to move on their own.

The Philadelphia Zoo plans to debut the lemurs in the next few weeks.

The birth of these lemurs is vital for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan for black-and-white ruffed lemurs. 

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