Pa Falls Flat in Safe Driving

Pennsylvania gets a failing grade on its highway safety report card.

Pennsylvania may reign supreme in many things, but highway safety is not one of them. 

According to the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, Pennsylvania comes in 5th for the worst driving in the United States.

Ohio and Nebraska also tie with the Keystone State for the not-so-flattering place on the list, while South Dakota takes the top spot. The failing grades come from the Roadmap to State Highway Safety Laws, a report that the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety release annually.

Each ranking is based off of 15 basic laws that the group stresses are essential for safe driving. As of last year, Pennsylvania only enforced 6 out of those 15 laws.

According to the report, Pa lacks many key regulations, especially regarding cell phone usage. Several regions within the state have their own ordinances banning the use of cell phones while driving, however it’s a problem that has yet to be settled statewide.

Although Pennsylvania's record is among the worst, nearly every neighboring state received high marks, including New Jersey which ranked as the 2nd safest in the nation.


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