One Year of Firsts: Plant an Herb Garden

Day 96

The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses ~ Hanna Rion

I have never really had a lot of success with growing things, especially things that aren't flowers.

I must admit, I've never given it much of my attention either.

What has my attention at the moment is that every time I buy fresh herbs at the store, I use about 25-cents worth and the rest goes bad in my refrigerator.

No more! I am going to grow my own. Okay, I'm going to try to grow my own.

This will be my first real little potted herb garden. I'm hoping to plant rosemary and thyme too -- maybe some mint.

I picture myself (wanna-be gourmet cook that I am) casually taking a step out of my kitchen to get some fresh basil for some fab recipe.

Now I have to remember to water the plants. That's always been a bit of a challenge for me.

So we'll see how my little herb garden grows.

Any tips, thoughts? Leave or comment or email me at

And keep those first ideas coming.   

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