NJ Civil War Statue Head Found

Mystery remains as to who decapitated soldier statue

A statue of a Civil War soldier in Bridgeton, N.J. was beheaded. Residents are upset about the vandalism and find the act disrespectful. A reward is being offered to help catch the vandal.

Someone whacked the head off the statue of a Civil War soldier that stands in Bridgeton, New Jersey's City Park.

It's an act reminiscent of the opening of the Simpsons where the head of Jebediah Springfield is sawed off.

But this is no laughing matter for authorities in the small town.

"I feel very strongly that monuments dedicated to the memory of our national heroes should be preserved," said Bridgeton Police Chief Mark Ott.

"Those who have served with honor and integrity and continued on that path after returning safely home, should not have to suffer the indignity of having the memory tarnished by such an act."

Originally a $700 reward -- including $100 put up by the police chief himself -- was offered for finding the head.

But the head -- valued around $3,000 -- was found Monday morning in a pond not far from the statue. It's possible that recent high water levels caused by heavy rains caused it to become submerged.

Despite having the head back, officials still hope to find whoever sawed it off in the first place.

The vandalism was especially upsetting because of all the men from Bridgeton who served in the Civil War.

"This town sent 100 men to the Civil War and four years later only 35 returned," said Bill Conway who alerted police about the beheading.

Police weren't exactly sure how vandals chopped the head off, considering the statue's height.

It was reported missing last Tuesday afternoon from the park on Mayor Aitken Drive.

If you have information that helps lead to the arrest of whoever is responsible call the TIP line at 856-455-5560 or Bridgeton police at 856-451-0033.

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