Neighborhood Farmers Market

<h2> Pullman City Market </h2>

Temple University School of Tourism, Korman Communities, Project H.O.M.E. and Fresh Grocer come together to bring discounted produce every Saturday to North Philadelphia. At the Elizabeth Community Center, 23rd and Berks street fresh fruit and vegetables have been growing for 8 weeks and they are ready to eat.

“This is really a blessing, and the neighborhood has really embraced this program,”said Joy Blackwell,
a resident of Project H.O.M.E.’s nearby Rowan-Judson homes.

 This initiative is to help improve the eating habits and spirits of the community with providing them with healthy and fresh food without going too far.The Farmers Market has been successfully selling fresh produce every Saturday for a few weeks and will continue Saturday, July 16th from 10am to 12pm. For more information about the Farmers Market visit Temple University School of Tourism and Hospitality.

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