Super Bowl

NBC10 Responds: How to Plan Your Super Bowl Party

Trying to plan a Super Bowl Party? Check out these tips from NBC10’s Harry Hairston and NBC10 Responds.

With just a few days until the Super Bowl, many Eagles fans are finalizing their party plans and getting ready to play host for the big day. But with great power comes great responsibility, and throwing parties in your home is no exception.

NBC10 Responds took some of the guesswork out with this helpful list of hosting Do’s and Dont’s:

Make sure your homeowner’s insurance is up to date. Any accidents that happen inside your house are your responsibility.

Pay special attention to the fine print on your insurance. Most plans tell you up-front what is covered, but it’s the things that are not covered that could come back to haunt you. For example, if you throw your remote at the TV in a fit of excitement, insurance will not cover the cost of a repair or replacement.

Keep your floors free of debris and sharp objects out of the way to avoid accidents.

Collect car keys when guests arrive. Do not let loved ones drink and drive.

Assign designated drivers, or make sure to have a taxi company number nearby. Also, download Uber and Lyft apps on your smartphone if cabs don’t service your area.

When you’re making snacks, keep the kitchen sanitary and clear of bacteria. No one wants to get food poisoning on Super Bowl Sunday.

Should an accident happen in your home, follow these simple steps:

  • Address injuries first
  • Ensure guests are safe and secure
  • Take pictures
  • Quickly report the incident to your insurance company
  • Provide names and contact information for witnesses
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