Camden County

West Nile Virus Appears for 2nd Time in Camden County

West Nile Virus is back east of the Delaware River.

For the second time this year, another case of West Nile Virus has been confirmed in Camden County. Local authorities are investigating the case, while working to increase spraying zones and mosquito testing in the area.

The main source of West Nile Virus in humans is from the bite of an infected mosquito. The insects pick up the disease when they feed on infected birds.

The most recent victim of West Nile Virus was born in 1980.  

However, if over the age of 50, more serious symptoms of the disease are likely to develop.

"The Camden County Health Department encourages you to use insect repellents and take extra precautions if you are outside during peak biting hours. You may also want to wear long sleeves and long pants if you are in your yard between dusk and dawn," a county official said in a release Friday. 

Swimming pools and screen doors are common hideouts and entry ways for mosquitoes to get around and into your home. Stagnant water is particularly attractive to mosquito populations. Wearing heavy duty bug spray also serves as a defense against these insects.

The Camden County Mosquito Commission encourages residents to look for mosquito breeding elements around your home, in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

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