Mayor Takes Anti-Flash Mob Message to the Street

City officials took to the street Saturday night to combat the social networking phenomenon flash mobs, which are causing increasing concerns in the city.

Mayor Michael Nutter, District Attorney Seth Williams and other elected officials strolled South Street at dusk Saturday night, spreading a zero tolerance message.

"Come out, have a ball, behave like you have some sense," Nutter said.

The Philly Family Fun Tour came a week after South Street was overrun by hundreds of teens, resulting in reports of beatings and vandalism, a handful of arrests and early closing of some stores. It was the third flash mob since February.

Officials hope recent flash mob-related arrests will prevent people from participating in the future.

"Hopefully, the fact that 29 have received felony convictions will deter others from receiving texts and showing up, damaging property and hurting people," Williams said.

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