Checking Inspection Records for Nursing Homes

Anyone can go online and see the evaluations for local nursing homes

Family of victim says that The Quadrangle was told about the abuse and failed to react. The family took matters into their own hands.

After hearing what allegedly happened to a women at the Quadrangle Assisted Living Facility, some may wonder whether this facility has had any history of problems. Harry Hairston and the NBC10 Investigators checked the inspection reports of the facility going back for the last year and a half.

Some of the violations state inspectors found include:

  • Employees who did not complete the required training.
  • Personnel in the secure dementia unit did not complete required dementia care.
  • In at least one instance, a patient with serious bodily injury was taken to and admitted to a hospital and no one notified the state as required.

All of these violations have been corrected and the facility was operating with a full license as of December 8th, 2010.

You can check the inspection report of an adult care facility for yourself through its respective state’s website. Below are links to Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania’s inspection report websites.

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