
‘Heroin Kills' PSA Tries to Curb Drug Use in Bucks County

After a wave of untimely deaths caused by heroin overdoses, Bucks County, Pennsylvania released a public service message that they hope serves as a “cure” for heroin addiction.

The public service announcement “Heroin Kills” -- filmed by students and teachers of Bucks County Technical high school and media specialist Frank Goldstein — features one mother, "Maggie," whose daughter is addicted to heroin.

"Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drug use, are 42 percent less likely to use drugs," said Maggie.

Maggie represents “every mother.” The PSA lays out her heart-wrenching story detailing her daughter’s indiscretions, thefts and mistakes. By the end, Maggie answers, “what would you do to help your child?” And her answer is to talk to them.

The PSA, which already has more than 1,700 views on YouTube, was shown to students and teachers at Bucks County Technical High School to launch the campaign.

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