Gov. Christie Day 2 in Israel

This is the Republican governor's first official trip overseas

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is spending his second full day in Israel.

Christie will meet with President Shimon Perez on Tuesday. He's then scheduled to visit Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, for a wreath-laying ceremony and tour.

The memorial's eternal flame was dedicated years ago to the father of former Gov. Thomas Kean, who spoke out against Nazi atrocities while a U.S. congressman in the 1940s.

Christie and his family are also scheduled to take a helicopter tour of some Jerusalem neighborhoods and will visit a pharmaceutical company with an interest in expanding in New Jersey.

This is the Republican governor's first official trip overseas.
The Christies head to Jordan at the end of the week, when the governor will meet with King Abdullah II.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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