
Ex-Councilman Sentenced for Stealing Funds, Gambling $3 Million

A former suburban Philadelphia councilman who acknowledged having stolen almost $3 million for gambling has been sentenced to 50 to 132 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution.

The Delaware County Daily Times reports that James Bryan apologized before he was sentenced Wednesday in Delaware County.

The former Collingdale councilman pleaded guilty in July to forgery and theft charges in the theft of $2.9 million over 10 years from Wescott Electric in Aston.

Bryan said he was "truly sorry" for what he called actions that "destroyed people's lives."

Defense attorney Michael Diamondstein said his client `"is going to live for the rest of his life feeling horrible about what he did."

Judge Mary Alice Brennan called the amount "staggering" in imposing a term above sentencing guidelines.


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