Del. Teen Found in Igloo With Pot, Bongs, Knife

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Police responding to a report of a suspicious man carrying a gun Wednesday, instead found two legs sticking out of a homemade igloo.

New Castle County police say the legs belong to a 17-year-old Delaware teen.

Police were looking for a man that residents in the Wilmington Manor Gardens area said appeared to be carrying a gun at about 8:30 a.m. 

While police were on the look out, another person called 9-1-1 and reported a suspicious man who seemed to be hiding in a snow bank on Notre Dame Avenue. Police soon spotted two shoes sticking out of a homemade igloo, reports The News journal.

Police found the teen, who lives on the first block of Notre Dame Avenue, hiding in the igloo with an 8-inch survival knife, a hammer, two bongs and 7.5 grams of marijuana.

Police say he was charged with carrying a concealed deadly weapon, carrying a concealed deadly instrument, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana.

County police spokesman Senior Cpl. Trinidad Navarro says the teen was released to his parents.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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