College Blog: Oh Brother, the College Waiting Game

When I was three or four years old, my parents informed me that I would be getting a sibling. At the time I was excited, because I was an only child and wanted someone to play with -- a sister would be perfect because we could play with our Barbies, watch Disney princess movies, and daydream about what we would do if we were princesses ourselves.

When my sibling came later that year, however, it was a boy.

As we grew up, my brother and I fought like crazy -- over everything -- like siblings do. He never really did like Disney movies (and still won’t watch them) and preferred Legos and G.I. Joes to my California Beach Barbie and all of her friends.

In the more recent years, however, Zach and I have become much closer as we’ve both grown up and matured. I went away first to boarding school and then college, so we didn’t have the opportunity to constantly be at each other’s throats (although it still occasionally happens on my visits home).

Zach is currently a senior in high school. He has already applied to a few colleges and is waiting to hear back about admission.

I remember what applying to college was like -- weeding out where I’d like to apply, trying to make myself sound as good as possible on a paper application that sometimes doesn’t do justice, and then sending it all away so a stranger can determine your immediate future -- all the while fielding questions from neighbors and family about where I’d applied, what I wanted to do with my life, and how everything was coming along.

I received a call from Zach. He was already accepted into three of the four schools that he applied to, and, right before he called, was accepted into a special athletic training program at West Chester University.

I could hear the excitement rolling out through the phone with his voice. I was thrilled for him -- it’s such a big step, and things are finally starting to fall into place for him.

After we got off the phone, I got a little nostalgic. I was touched that he had wanted to call me right after the interview. I also went right back to dozens of memories from when we were a lot smaller and building Lego mansions right up until when I was home for break and he was kicking my bum at sports video games.

I’m so excited for this part of his life to begin -- and, even more excited to realize that my wish for a sister couldn’t have been more opposite. I’m glad that I have the brother that I have. I can’t wait for more shenanigans and play fights to come.

Eudora Linde blogs weekly about her senior year at Shippensburg University.

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