Coatesville Named One of the Best Places for Youth

Abington and Lower Merion were also recognized.

Coatesville, Pa. is receiving national praise as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People from America’s Promise Alliance. The list is presented by financial and insurance giant ING for its efforts to aid youths in their community.  The competition identifies and acclaims communities across the country that strive to decrease the high school dropout rates and make positive opportunities available.

All communities entered undergo a rigorous process and are judged based on the power and creativity of their efforts and programs to aid high school students.

“The issues surrounding youth education and success are of vital importance to ING,” said Rhonda Mims, Chairperson of the ING Foundation. “Our ongoing support for 100 Best underscores our commitment to the cause and the value we place on recognizing communities that produce measurable results for youth.”

The Coatesville Youth Initiative along with the Chester County Futures, and the Friends Association for the Care and Protection of Children continue to help and support youths and their families.

“In a nation where 7,000 students drop out of high school every day, we hope Coatesville’s initiatives inspire other communities across the nation to take action to solve the challenges facing their young people,” said Marguerite W. Kondracke, America’s Promise Alliance president and CEO. 

“Coatesville is especially deserving of this recognition due to their efforts to ensure that their young people graduate high school and go on to lead healthy, productive lives. Coatesville refuses to let the challenges they face determine the future for their young people. Instead, they are helping their youth prosper and become contributing members of society.”

The winners of the award range from small communities to large cities. Coatesville is just one of three other communities in the Philadelphia area to receive the award. Abington and Lower Merion were also recognized. 

Coatesville will receive a $2,500 grant, identifying the community as one of the nation’s 100 Best Communities for Young People, and access to America’s Promise Alliance’s community development resources.



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