Bulldog Blog: Cleaning Up, Cleaning Out

High school blogger Brady McHale brings the inside story from Lower Merion High School.

The countdown to the end of the school year at Lower Merion is on! And with the end of the year coming quickly the pressure is on for teachers and staff to clear out their rooms because over the summer they’ll be moving into the new state of the art building.

In an effort to make the clean up as easy as possible the custodians at LM put large boxes in different locations around school and teachers filled them with everything from old yearbooks to textbooks to sports equipment.

For some odd reason a handful students took that to mean they could have whatever was in those boxes and started a new fad at school -- trash picking.

No measures have been taken yet to stop the trash picking, in some cases teachers have simply asked a student to put the items back in the box if they notice them taking it.

Someone found a never used yearbook from last year -- saves that student 90 bucks! And that student plans on keeping it.

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