Blogging Teacher: Nobody Was ‘Rude' on First Day Back

Though people were outraged when Natalie Munroe called students "jerks" and other things in her blog, her first day back to school "went well."

Though parents have been outraged and students have been preemptively opting out of her class, the first day back to school for infamous “blogging teacher” Natalie Munroe was pretty uneventful.

"There were a few points and whispers" from students, "but nobody said anything. No one was rude," Munroe told the Inquirer. "It was a normal day."

The Central Bucks High School East teacher was temporarily suspended after calling her students “utterly loathsome” and “disengaged, lazy whiners” in her personal blog, but she was reinstated and back to work for the first full day of school on Wednesday.

But because the district gave students the option to not take Munro’s classes this year, she had fewer students than normal.

Munroe told the Inquirer that she had classes of 12, 15, and 8 students, instead of the usual 30-student class. Munroe taught three classes Wednesday with a total of 35 students, which about a third the usual number.

A substitute was brought in to teach some students who transferred out of her classes.

Munroe said that fellow teachers and school administrators were “friendly and fine,” though some of her closer friends were a bit distant.

"Things went well," Munroe told the Inquirer.

Among the blog posts that got Munroe suspended in February were comments she wished she could post on student evaluations, such as “rat-like” and “dresses like a street-walker.”

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