Blogging Teacher Fired After Unanimous Vote

A school board voted to fire Natalie Munroe on Tuesday night

Natalie Munroe was fired Tuesday night from her teaching job at Central Bucks High School East. The school board's vote to let her go was unanimous.

The controversial English teacher was temporarily suspended in February 2011 after a blog was discovered where Munroe vented about her students, calling them names like "lazy whiners" and "rat-like."

The school's principal Abram Lucabaugh was forced to take her back in the Fall, and stated that it was only because of her legal rights and the district's refusal to spend taxpayer money on a legal battle. However, students were not forced to take her class.

Munroe claims her comments were twisted and didn't affect her day-to-day job. Her attorney has filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming Munroe's constitutional rights were violated.

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