New Jersey

Atlantic City Awarded Grants In Boardwalk Construction

Atlantic City has been awarded a $558,000 grant to complete the bike path and walkway to Gardner’s Basin.

This grant will be used to extend about 0.4 miles connecting Caspian Avenue to Gardner’s Basin, with money to install LED lighting, benches, landscaping, and other furnishings are also included in this construction.

"We thank the state for understanding how important this project is to the revitalization of our city," said Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian.

The grant comes from the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program. Out of the 133 project applications statewide, the boardwalk project was one of only 37 to receive funding.

Ongoing construction continues throughout the entire boardwalk and is expected to be completed in 2018.

"When completed, the Inlet Boardwalk Project will not only provide a great pedestrian and biking amenity"Guardian added, "but will also incorporate a seawall that will protect valuable waterfront properties and promote their development."

City capital funds are being used to leverage the Seawall/Boardwalk project along with grants from the Army Corps of Engineers, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

A second grant for Atlantic City was also announced yesterday. A $300,000 NJDOT Bikeway Improvement Grant was awarded to construct bike lanes on Atlantic Avenue and Ohio Avenue. Atlantic City was one of only three New Jersey towns to get a share of the total $1 million fund.

The plans for restoring Atlantic City's famous boardwalk attraction are part of its attempts to revitalize the city. Since both of the grants cover full funding for the projects, no city match will be required to complete them.

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