
Arrest Made in Theft of Boy's Custom Wheelchair

Authorities in Delaware County, Pennsylvania say they've caught the man responsible for stealing the custom wheelchair of a 4-year-old boy with a developmental disorder.

The special, $2,200 wheelchair was stolen from the driveway of Nicholas Lovecchio's Brookhaven home on Monday afternoon. The boy suffers from epilepsy and the neurodevelopment disorder microcephaly and uses the chair to easily get around.

“If it shows up on our doorstep anonymously, that would be wonderful,” Vicki Lovecchio, the boy's mother, said last night. “We don’t want revenge or paybacks or punishment. We just want it back.”

Brookhaven Police Chief Randy McGoldrick tells NBC10 detectives tracked down the thief and arrested him on Tuesday.

Charges are pending so the man has not yet been identified, but McGoldrick said he did confess to the crime.

As for the chair, it's gone.

McGoldrick said the suspect told police he scrapped the chair for cash.

A number of people contacted NBC10 wishing to help the family get a new chair. Vicki Lovecchio has scheduled a doctor's appointment for her son.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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