Cops Fear for the Welfare of Abandoned Child's Mom

Police have ID'd the little girl found at the Shell station in Delaware

Delaware police believe her mother may be in distress.

The little girl found abandoned and crying in the bathroom of a gas station in Delaware has been identified.

"I can't say definitely because there's been no paperwork or scientific proof of it but we're relatively certain that based on the information we have we know who she is," says Newark Police Lt. Brian Henry.

And that information has led authorities to Middlesex County, N.J., but identifying the child is not where the mystery ends. Police believe that the girl's mother did not abandon her willingly and that the woman could potentially be in some sort of danger.

"There's a concern for the welfare of her mother and we're trying to resolve that concern," said Lt. Henry.

Newark police sent out photos and video of the girl. Wednesday morning, they said that ultimately helped them figure out her identity, but they're not ready to release those details yet to the public.

A customer intending to use the bathroom discovered the girl Sunday afternoon at the Shell station at 804 College Avenue.

The child is currently being cared for by a foster family who say that she is smiling and adjusting well.

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